warning: Pandering and Puerile Post

Forgive me [er, whatever forgiveness is], O fellow Presser. I’m pandering the previous “season,” season 5 of American Horror Story. So, I’m an unbidden shill of sorts, but I don’t get the least compen$ated for it [solemn oath!]. Anyhoo, the actor who played the, uh, mama’s boy in season 4 ‘Freak Show,’ Finn Witrock, well, you too wanted to kick him in the teeth to teach him about being a brat, right? Well, that actor is redeemed in my book! See, belatedly, I’ve found out that he was brought back for season 5. You may have already known this if you’re a consistent fan. I am, it’s just that the way I’m presently situated precludes my being up-to-date on a lotta stuff, including tv that’s good (it still exists). All of this by way of saying that I had not understood that Finn Witrock could be a total, TOTAL GORGEASAURUS REX. Courtesy of “Hollywood,” yes, but still!! Seriously, if he wants to get to imitatin’ a serial killer clown once again [and all clowns are serial killers anyway], that’s just fine with me! cuz i’ll be the holdout vote on the jury.
And someday I may lay out for you the fact that all males as we age become dirty old men.
Take a look at Witrock all dressed up:

Eviscerated Assimilation

Though I was born in 1970 which is a number of years after our American courts began ordering “integration” of the “races” (a word that is a perpetual solecism as far as I’m concerned), I’m made to believe that integration would have happened over time anyway, and with far fewer murderous consequences than our enforced integration has wrought.

I believe this earnestly. To put that into a frame of reference, let me tell you that lately I’ve concluded that “gay marriage” (in other words, marriages amongst my kind) are merely imitations of heterosexually-borne social contrivances, and that being such those gay marriages do not represent progress after all.

Sprung from Primacy

In Santa Barbara there is a homeless shelter known as and run by “P.A.T.H.” –People Assisting The [sic] Homeless. To understand the words “people assisting the homeless” it is necessary to tacitly understand that a class called “people” may assist a class called “homeless.”

Do you perceive a bit of irony?

A Resolution of Sorts

I don’t think you are designed to know “reality.” In fact, I think that by design you are ever and always at least 3 steps removed from Reality:

3) your written language, upon

2) your spoken language, upon

1) you, upon

0) Reality.

I suppose it wasn’t necessary to foreshadow “Reality” with a zero. I suppose I could have used this symbol: ∞.


Here’s to Mack!

“…Mack…was the only vote against Australian involvement in the Gulf War. In his speech on 22 Jan 1991, Mack said:

This war is about oil, because 40 per cent of the world’s oil reserves are in this area. This war is about years of greed, of intrigue, of malevolence by local despots and the developed world. Saddam Hussein is a Frankenstein monster created over the last decade by the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, China, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and other western European countries that supplied him with billions of dollars of armaments, and with the technology for chemical and nuclear warfare. France built Saddam’s nuclear reactor. In the years 1983 to 1989, United States trade with Iraq increased from $571M to $3.6 billion. Only one month before the invasion, the United States Department of Commerce tried to push through a $7.6m deal to sell Iraq nuclear parts…”